Keep Track of Your Training with NOOA

Are you looking for ways to stay motivated, intensify your training or simply want to try something new? Keeping track your progress can be very motivating. Why is this? Why is tracking your progress so important? There are a lot of reasons to do this – a good rule of thumb is, if you have a goal, track it.

Why is it So Hard to See Progress?

It’s actually quite simple - our minds tend to play tricks on us. We grow familiar with the subtle changes in our wellbeing, performance or just the way our body looks, very fast. This makes it hard to see when actual progress happens. For goal-oriented training, keeping track of your training is the easiest way to see how far you’ve come.

A Scale Can Help You Stay Motivated

Using a scale is a traditional way of measuring progress in weight loss and it may be very helpful in doing just that. But what if it’s not specifically weight-loss that you’re after? Although exercise burns fat, it will ultimately build muscle as well. Because muscle is heavier than fat, your weight in itself is not always the most reliable source of information to really see how far you’ve come.

The NOOA smart scales offer more information for you to analyze. These scales often provide data on not only your weight but body composition as well. Real data on how much muscle, bone, fat, and water your body actually consists is a far more useful way of measuring your progress than looking at your weight alone. Furthermore, our smart scales convert and save your data into a more manageable form through a compatible app on your phone.

So, track your progress to see yourself getting closer to the goals you’ve set, and don’t forget to celebrate them. Always be proud of your victories whether they’re big or small.